Course Outline
Understanding Computer Vision Basics
Installing OpenCV with Python Wrappers
Introduction to Using OpenCV
Using Media with Python
- Loading Images
- Converting Color to Grayscale
- Using Metadata
Applying Image Theory with Python
- Understanding Images as Multidimensional Arrays
- Understanding the Color Space
- Overview of Pixels and Coordinates
- Accessing Pixels
- Changing Pixels in Images
- Drawing Lines and Shapes
- Applying Text on Images
- Resizing Images
- Cropping Images
Exploring Common Computer Vision Algorithms and Methods
- Thresholding
- Finding Contours
- Background Subtraction
- Using Detectors
Implementing Feature Extraction with Python
- Using Feature Vectors
- Understanding the Color-mean Features Theory
- Extracting Histogram Features
- Extracting Grayscale Histogram Features
- Extracting Texture Features
Implementing an App to Detect Image Similarity
Implementing a Reverse Image Search Engine
Creating an Object Detection App Using Template Matching
Creating a Face Detection App Using Haar Cascade
Implementing an Object Detection App Using Keypoints
Capturing and Processing Video through a WebCam
Creating a Motion Detection System
Summary and Conclusion
- Programming experience with Python
Testimonials (1)
Trainer was very knowlegable and very open to feedback on what pace to go through the content and the topics we covered. I gained alot from the training and feel like I now have a good grasp of image manipulation and some techniques for building a good training set for an image classification problem.