Course Outline


  • Apache Mesos vs Kubernetes or other cluster managers
  • Overview of Apache Mesos Features and Architecture

Getting Started

  • Installing and building Apache Mesos
  • Setting up Master and Agent

Configuring Apache Mesos

  • Setting up roles and users
  • Configuring networking
  • Configuring security

Managing an Apache Mesos Cluster

  • High-Availability usage and fault recovery
  • Logging and debugging
  • Upgrading and downgrading clusters
  • Implementing metrics and alerts for monitoring

Working with Containers

  • Installing Marathon on Apache Mesos
  • Deploying containerized applications on Apache Mesos with Marathon


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of distributed systems
  • Experience with some kind of distributed application or framework (e.g., Hadoop)
  • Familiarity with Linux commands


  • IT administrators
  • Software Engineers
  • Developers
 14 Hours